Attention Deficit Syndrome is a condition that is increasing rapidly in our young people. National surveys have estimated 3-7.5 % of the young people in America have symptoms of ADHD and ADS, as many as 2 million children and rising.
Attention Deficit Syndrome is oftentimes suffered by children of a toxic environment, children eating junk “foods” and suffering nutritional deficiencies. This is proven by children like those in the stories below who merely changed their environment and built their health with whole foods and whole food concentrates, resulting in dramatic changes to their health.
Your LiveIt! Lifestyle Health Care Provider can help you identify the lifestyle choices that can best benefit your children and family, helping them to grow up healthy in both body and mind.
My child is hyperactive and suffers from attention deficit syndrome. The doctor examined him and determined he needed Mintran (a special whole food concentrate supplement high in organically bound minerals.) I started him on it that very day at dinner. His handwriting, math and behavior has greatly improved. In the past it took three weeks to learn the 2’s, 3’s and 4’s time tables. After the nutrition he learned the 6’s, 7’s and 8’s IN ONE DAY! UPDATE: Just before publication J. B. GOT STUDENT OF THE MONTH AWARD!!
J.B. - male, age 9
Why do some of us suffer every year, others have good years and bad years, while others never suffer allergies?
Allergic reactions begin when substances capable of beginning a reaction enter through your nose, lungs, skin or intestines. These substances are commonly thought to be pollen and foods, but they enter your circulation through leaky mucous membranes irritated by inadequately digested foods, synthetic chemicals in our environment, drinks or foods. Tissues also become leaky from deficiencies of vitamins, minerals and other whole food components.
Regardless of the source, all allergic reactions are a response by your body to the foreign substance. The body responds by sending antibodies to the rescue.
Antibodies are an important part of the body’s natural defense system and are produced normally by our white blood cells to help fight infection or toxins. These white blood cells make antibodies to bind with the foreign materials and then eliminate them. This is a great design!
To summarize the cause of allergies:
The LiveIt! Lifestyle can help to eliminate most of these causes, but your LiveIt! Health Care Provider can work with your specific needs to build your health to better handle your condition of allergies.
Years ago I was in a car accident. I had neck pain ever since. I went to a chiropractor to help my neck and she noticed I was suffering allergies too. I changed my lifestyle and began taking a special set of whole food supplements indicated for my allergies. Now, almost 2 months later, MY NECK PAIN IS GONE. I also have experience relief from constipation and bloating. I am feeling better and am much healthier as a result of my Live It! Lifestyle chiropractor. PW
I was so tired and depressed I could hardly do the things I had to do. My Live It Health Provider suggested I make some lifestyle changes and take a few whole food supplements. After only a few weeks I have more energy and I am no longer depressed!!
N.B. - female, age 31
I suffered really bad allergies until my Live It doctor suggested I try some whole food supplements from Standard Process. After taking them for only a few weeks I am noticing a huge difference in my allergies and even scented sprays don’t bother me the way they once did.
T.K. - male, age 43
I moved to California from France two years ago. As soon as I arrived I started developing allergies. I was coughing, sneezing and having to blow my nose all the time. I thought that this would go away after my body was used to the change, but I realized after awhile that it was going to stay like this. I asked my doctor what might be causing those allergies. He did a comprehensive exam and discovered that the root of the problem was a bacteria in my digestive system. He prescribed some pills for me. After I started to take the pills my allergies began disappearing gradually. And now, three months into the treatment, I do not have any more allergies. Another point that I would like to mention is that because of the pills I am now also gaining weight which I never seemed to be able to keep on before! This is due to the fact that the nutritional supplements are helping my digestive system to function normally. I am really glad I had the opportunity to use those products and I would recommend their use to anyone.
S.D. - male, age 35
As a child and all through my teen years I suffered from bad allergies every spring and summer. If I walked on the grass or was exposed to dust or hot wind, my allergies would sometimes bring on sneezing, runny nose and sometimes lay me out on my back, they were so bad. My doctor recently put me on a whole food nutritional program. Now I can play in the grass with my children or be in a dust storm without any concerns of allergic type reactions. The bonus was that this same program helped clear up a chronic cough that I had suffered for 10 years!
D.M.M. - male, age 34
I had the worst hay fever. This year in spite of immense high pollen counts, I’m not really bothered by allergies. Furthermore I’m not getting the colds and flu I used to get. In fact, since beginning Nutritional Therapy I haven’t had the flu once.
J.S. - male, age 30
Since I have begun my Nutritional Therapy program I no longer have migraine headaches or allergies. More people should know they don’t have to suffer with their ailments thanks to this simple health care approach.
S.V.N. - female, age 39
I want to thank you for your help and support over the last four months. (I had) been suffering with irritability, allergies, joint aches and pains, athletes foot, itchiness, lack of libido and was 60 pounds overweight. (Since following the Nutritional Therapy recommendations) I have lost almost 40 lbs seemingly “effortlessly,: the irritability and the allergy attacks practically absent. The joint pains have gotten so much better, my sugar cravings are being handled, my energy and stamina has increased. And after haveing a low to no sex drive for the past 13 years, which has put some strain on the marriage at times — after just three months following the program I’ve got HORMONES again! My husband and I both are thankful for that! With sincere appreciation and gratitude.
D.M.S. - female, age 45
My daughter started seeing Dr. ______ in May of this year because she had allergies, which began about a year and a half ago. It got worse in the Spring and Summer, but she suffered all year from serious congestion. The pediatrician we had seen earlier gave her Claritin, which didn’t work at all! After only 3 treatments with Dr. ____, her nose hasn’t been stuffed. No more drugs and no more allergies!
I saw Dr. _____ in mid-September. The reason I had come was for my terrible Allergies, which I have had for several years. My allergies were very severe. I had seen a physician prior to coming here but nothing made a difference other than their drugs, which merely suppressed the symptoms. They did nothing to handle the allergies.For many years I could have no milk products as it caused violent reactions including: itchy eyes, indigestion, diarrhea, phlegm, sinus pain, etc.
In seeing Dr. _____., I can now have all milk products with NO REACTION! At first I thought that the allergies were due to season but they were happening year round. Well not anymore. Thanks.
I have always experienced congestion and frequent headaches at least once a week and when I came to see Dr. ____ he gave me Catalyn and Allerplex and I immediately began to feel relief. It’s been about two weeks and recently when I went up to the mountains I was not effected by my usual Allergies at all.
K.C. - , age 12
As a long time allergy sufferer, I had tried everything to get the allergies under control and to start feeling better. There was a long time when I felt I was fighting a losing battle. But then I found out about acupuncture and my health has been improving ever since. I don’t react to as many things and when I do react and start to feel “crummy” it doesn’t last as long. This is a major improvement!!!
Kathleen - female
Swelling of the ankles can be from various underlying causes, most of them responsive to a natural lifestyle and whole food nutritional support. Fluids circulate throughout the body to transport nutrients to the tissues and toxins away. The heart moves the fluids and excess fluids are eliminated by the kidneys.
Nutritional imbalances that cause underfunction of the heart and kidneys are some of the conditions that respond most efficiently to the LiveIt Lifestyle and whole foods concentrates.
The Patient Story shown below was from a man who ate poorly and WHILE OVERWEIGHT was UNDERNOURISHED. He was suffering from a nutritional deficiency that resulted in ankle swelling and bloating of his body.
The simple inclusion of a whole food concentrate catalyst in his diet made changes that years of medications could not achieve. If you have swollen ankles, consider the LiveIt! Lifestyle Workbook to help make lifestyle changes and find a LiveIt! Health Care Provider to customize a health building program for you.
I have been a patient of the Dr. for years and tried different treatments. Since I started taking Catalyn I have been feeling a lot, lot better. It has relieved the swelling and pain in my ankles and I have even lost 28 pounds since I started (3 months previous.) I advise more people to use Catalyn. My wife and sister have started adding it to their food and have felt a lot better too!
TH - male, age 58
The National Institute of Mental Health reports that over 13% of the US population suffers an anxiety disorder. People usually think of anxiety as a mental/emotional disorder, but often anxiety is a symptom of a physical problem like blood sugar imbalances, nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxicity. These disorders can interfere with cellular energy production and utilization causing feelings of nervousness, restlessness and worry. A LiveIt Lifestyle Health Care Provider can evaluate you and identify imbalances that can be corrected with a program of whole foods, whole food supplements, detoxification and the LiveIt Lifestyle.
I was taking Ambien for a year. Ever since I started taking whole food supplements in September I have been sleeping a lot better. I also used to get worked up at work but I feel more relaxed and get through the day much easier.
Arthritis means inflammation of the joints which are often hot, swollen, stiff and painful. There are many causes including poor quality foods leading to nutritional deficiency and mineral imbalances, allergies and immune reactions, inflammatory reactions to toxins and buildup of bad fats from poor food choices.
Often nutritional deficiencies or nervous system imbalance lead to joints that are loose and unstable or muscles that are spasmed and tight, both of which can lead to joint inflammation from structural instability.
Your LiveIt! Health Care Provider can work with you to identify your specific needs to build your health and better manage your arthritis.
I do a lot of work with my hands, I used to have a lot of joint pains, arthritic pains. I started taking a whole food supplement to support the health of my joints one year ago and I have not had any pains of arthritis. I have no pain unless I stop taking the supplements and 2-3 weeks later the pain comes back. Now I know I need these supplements regularly.
T.H. - male, age 51
I was diagnosed with psoriasis on my skin, and with psoriatic arthritis in my joints. I always felt weak and very tired. I didn’t feel good most of the time. I just hurt. I couldn’t even open jar lids any more because of the pain in my hands, and my knees hurt or got stuck when I went up or down stairs. There was a big change for the worse in my arthritis several months ago. I have been on the Nutrition Response Testing program for several weeks, and my psoriasis is getting better. The skin is leveling out. A number of times recently I’ve even had, internally, an overwhelming feeling of well-being. I know I’m on the right track. L_ tried to get me to come in here years ago. I wish I hadn’t waited so long!