Symptoms of Asthma are sometimes the result of reactions to toxins in our food, air, fluids, medications, air fresheners, chemicals in our environment from any source. Some cases of of asthma coincide with nutritional deficiencies and others an imbalanced nervous system.
Purifying one’s environment (home) of manmade toxins is a first step. Next, build your health with natural whole foods and food concentrates. Third, chiropractic or acupuncture can bring balance to one’s nervous system.
Your LiveIt! Health Care Provider can help you with your specific needs to better build your health and manage your asthma.
Check out the results these actual patients had with their symptoms of asthma using these natural, common sense approaches to asthma relief.
Approximately six months ago, when I started going to my Live It Health Care Practitioner I had a number of health related issues. Allergies were making life miserable, my asthma was out of control and I had high blood pressure (to name a few). With Dr. ____’s help, my allergies are almost non-existent, my blood pressure is normal and my asthma has never been better.
N.A. - male, age 35
Within a few weeks after my first visit with my Health Care Specialist, I went from taking 3-12 doses of asthma medications every day, to taking an herbal tincture daily, and one dose of a med every other day. I am even more active now that I can breathe!…
L.S. - (Austin, TX)
Attention Deficit Syndrome is a condition that is increasing rapidly in our young people. National surveys have estimated 3-7.5% of the young people in America have symptoms of ADHD and ADS, as many as 2 million children and rising.
Attention Deficit Syndrome is oftentimes suffered by children of a toxic environment, junk “foods” and nutritional deficiencies. This is proven by children like those in the stories below who merely changed their environment and built their health with whole foods and whole food concentrates, resulting in dramatic changes to their health.
Your LiveIt! Health Care Provider can help you identify the lifestyle choices that can best benefit your children and family, helping them to grow up healthy in both body and mind.
My 9 year old child is hyperactive and suffers from attention deficit syndrome. The doctor examined him and determined he needed Mintran (a special whole food concentrate supplement high in organically bound minerals.) I started him on it that very day at dinner. His handwriting, math and behavior has greatly improved. In the past it took three weeks to learn the 2’s, 3’s and 4’s time tables. After the nutrition he learned the 6’s, 7’s and 8’s IN ONE DAY! UPDATE: Just before publication J. B. GOT STUDENT OF THE MONTH AWARD!!
Susan - female
Back pain has many causes from “slipped discs” to digestive upset. Often your LiveIt! Health Care Provider is the best person to identify the cause and its remedy.
Examples are:
“Slipped discs” are cushions between the bones of the spine that support weight and stress while giving you strength and flexibility. Nutritional deficiencies can leave the discs unable to retain water to cushion the joint and the disc and surrounding ligaments weak and easily injured. The joint can become unstable and painful.
Poor quality foods, especially poor quality fats can leave your body unable to make its own healthy anti-inflammatory substances. Instead, nutritients are diverted to deal with toxins, irritants and immune challenges, much like arthritis.
Muscles surrounding the spine provide both support and stress, strength and flexibility. When muscles have inadequate nutritients like proteins, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins, the muscles can become weakened, irritable and inflammed. This results in back pain, often with muscle spasms.
Poor digestive health or kidney stress can send pain into the back much as a “heart attack” can send pain down the arm. Referred pain can be very frustrating to resolve unless the cause is identified and removed.
Complex problems such as back pain are best resolved with the help of your LiveIt! Health Care Practitioner who is up to date on the many causes of back pain and the most efficient remedies to get your back into shape again!
I was disabled for nine years, due to multiple disc herniations in my lower back, and two failed back surgeries. After being taken care of by Dr. ______, I was off all my pain medications, able to run three days a week, and go back to work!
Dr _____ was able to correct my lower back problem, removing my sciatic pain. His treatment enabled me to return to work.
George G.
I have been a patient of Dr ______ for five years. Dr _____ is very knowledgeable and well trained in his profession. What really made me happy was the help he gave my husband. My husband came to him with severe lower back pain. The pain was so intense that to get relief he had to kneel by the bed and lay over it. After two weeks of treatment with Dr _____ my husband went back to work and had not had any pain since. I personally have suffered with lower back pain to the point it was very difficult to sit or get out of a car. I do not have that problem any more and i work hard in the house.
Grace C.
I wanted to take a moment to let you know how grateful I am that our family found you. I was barely able to walk because of disc problems in my back when I first saw you last year.
I believe in miracles, but haven’t experienced very many; but I truly believe I witnessed a miracle in your office. At the first visit, you were able to dramatically relieve the back pain I suffered. Since then, I have enjoyed a greater quality of life and have stayed off the surgeon’s knife, hopefully for good.
Blood pressure measurements are the result of a diverse set of interactions among the body systems. Each system monitors and responds to internal and external events including physical and emotional stresses, nutritional status, toxic exposures and immune challenges. Each of these systems is influenced by lifestyle practices and benefits from whole foods nutrition and healthy lifestyle. See a LiveIt! Lifestyle Health Care Provider for advice on what may help you maintain a healthy blood pressure.
I was having difficulty sleeping, along with high blood pressure. As a result of HealthBuilding steps I have taken I am sleeping through the night, I feel rested and my blood pressure has gone down. In general, I feel good!
anonymous - male, age 53
I have struggled with a lifetime of dieting ups and downs. Since making the lifestyle changes my Live It! doctor recommended I have lost 34 pounds! and my husband has lost 30 pounds in THREE MONTHS!! We both feel great and have plenty of energy to keep up with our grandchildren. We have not only lowered our cholesterol and blood pressure, but I no longer take Celebrex for my knee pains. We had only one problem – nothing fits but our socks!!!!!!
J.M. - female, age 44
Approximately six months ago, when I started going to my Live It Health Care Practition I had a number of health related issues. Allergies were making life miserable, my asthma was out of control and I had high blood pressure (to name a few). With my Live It Health Care Practioners help, my allergies are almost non-existent, my blood pressure is normal and my asthma has never been better.
N.A. - male, age 35
My Cholesterol has been 271 for 14 years. When I gave birth to my son it went up to 212 and I was never able to lower it, instead I kept adding 20 points to my cholesterol each year. I started taking medication to lower my cholesterol and it gave me incredible leg pain, so I stopped taking them. I tried to lowering it by watching my diet and the lowest I could get it to was 250 with exercise. Going into the 21 Day Purification Program in only a week my cholesterol went down to 171! My blood pressure also went down from the 130’s and the high 80’s and today my blood pressure is 118/70! And I’ve lost 14 pounds.
J.C. - female
Your lungs and their airways (bronchioles) need to be hard at work every day of your life. Yet they are often exposed to infections, chemicals, smoke and other irritants. It is critical that the lungs be capable of healing constantly and completely.
Damage to lung tissue from smoke or chemicals can start an auto-immune reaction in the body. This is a condition where the damaged tissue confused the immune system into making antibodies against your own tissue. In this situation the immune system is constantly attacking your tissues rather than healing them. You just can’t get well.
This person obviously suffered this type of damage at some point. Later, when she was given a very particular formula of whole food concentrates her body was able to overcome these autoimmune reactions and recover to a symptom-free state.
If you have suffered from smoke inhalation or had a cough which has persisted for months or years you may benefit from consulting a LiveIt! Lifestyle Health Care provider who may be able to find a natural solution to your chronic bronchial condition.
Many years ago I had a bad chest cold. Coughing for literally weeks. The strong cough finally went away in the spring but for 7 years I had what I call weak lungs. I suffer a daily cough. Barely more than clearing my throat, the hard part is it did not go away! I consulted a doctor who recommended I take some very particular whole food supplements combined to benefit lung health. After one month my cough went away and the throat congestion too. After a while I thought i was cured, I stopped the supplements and the cough came right back. I got another bottle of the same product and it quickly disappeared. I clearly need this food for my health. Since I have been taking one per day I have been fine (4 years).
E.D. - female, age 65
My entire life I suffered bad allergies. Sneezing, runny nose so bad at times they would lay me out! My nutritional program has entirely cleared this up, AND my chronic cough I have had for over 10 years GONE!!
DMM - male, age 34