Cramping abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea may be called spastic colon or irritable bowel syndrome. Poor food choices, nutritional deficiencies, poor digestion , emotional stress and inadequate exercise often contribute to the condition.
Digestive conditions often show the greatest responsiveness to lifestyle choices like healthy whole foods, eliminating chemical additives and unhealthy ingredients, adding healthy exercise and relaxing activities like meditation and prayer.
Different pediatricians all diagnosed my 11-year old son with migraines, and they were getting more frequent. I was told to give him Motrin to stop the migraines from progressing into bouts of vomiting with sound and light sensitivity. I felt like he was consuming too much Motrin for a growing boy, so I came to Dr. ______ for a different approach. Dr. ______ determined that my son’s headaches stemmed from food sensitivities and a weakened digestive system. He suggested a change in his diet and some supplements to support his digestion. I am thrilled to report that my son has not had a single headache in over three months!!
D.H. - male, age 11 (Lancaster, PA)
Repetitive coughing is irritating to both the person with the cough and to those nearby. Coughs can be caused by allergic and toxic triggers, and can linger after periods of stress, illness and immune challenges. Following a lifestyle of whole foods, detoxification and avoidance of stress will support the return of your health. See your LiveIt! Lifestyle Health Care Provider for advice on what will benefit your health!
My entire life I suffered bad allergies. Sneezing, runny nose so bad at times they would lay me out! My nutritional program has entirely cleared this up, AND my chronic cough I have had for over 10 years GONE!!
D.M.M. - male, age 34
I suffer from Crohn’s Disease, and since seeing my LiveIt! Health Care Professional, my cholesterol vs. triglycerides have been reversed, I have the ability to eat salads without the fear of doubling over or spending hours in discomfort, and I realized I was eating too many carbs vs. protein.
Is depression really a disease? Or is it merely a symptom of other conditions, such as nutritional deficiency?
Mental depression very often accompanies physical “depression.” Illness, injury, childbirth and other physical strains often trigger the onset of depressed feelings and symptoms of poor health and low energy. Also, episodes of emotional upset and stress are often followed by physical symptoms such as digestive upset, immune deficiency, fatigue, insomnia and chronic pain.
The fact is, physical and mental-emotional well-being are inseparable. That’s because the body functions as one organically integrated unit.
The LiveIt! Lifestyle will help you build your mental, emotional and physical well being. But sometimes that is not enough. Before you take drugs and medication consider consulting a LiveIt! Lifestyle Health Care Provider.
I was so tired and depressed I could hardly do the things I had to do. My Live It! Health Provider suggested I make some lifestyle changes and take a few whole food supplements. After only a few weeks I have more energy and I am no longer depressed!!
N.A. - male, age 28
I have suffered bouts of severe depression for as long as I can remember. I’d spend days at a time in bed, sleeping and crying. I felt as if I were in a black hole that was trying to swallow me up. I didn’t seek help because I thought they would tell me I was crazy. As the years went by the bouts went from once a year, to twice a year, to every month. I had no doubt that this was a physical imbalance of some sort and finally sought help from the medical profession. Their solution for my physical problem was drugs. Since I have been taking the supplements for about 6 months, I feel great! I have more energy, and as a bonus, I have also lost weight. I also had some ovarian pain which the medical doctors weren’t treating successfully, and I have been free of that pain. The best part is having it all taken care of without drugs! I would highly recommend them to anyone who is suffering!
R.M. - female, age 47
I went to a doctor while I was still in school with complaints of unusual tiredness. He said I was depressed and needed an anti-depressant medication, and he had been putting lots of kids with a similar complaint on them. Subsequently, I never went to see him again. I am so happy to have finally gotten some answers as to why I have been feeling so badly. If it wasnt for the nutritional program my liveit Doctor put me on I dont if I would be feeling as good as I do today thanks.
Tova S.- Chemist - male, age 34
For over five years I had been fighting chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I had tried drugs and anti-depressants, but I didn’t hurt because I was depressed, I was depressed because of the pain and fatigue. My evaluation by my Live It Doctor revealed things that were not addressed by anyone else. Within a few weeks I started to feel improvement. I have continued to regain my energy and my pain has improved also. This natural health care is the bomb.
A.H. - male, age 32
I have a BIG success story!
I guess it starts about ten years ago. I had everything from depression/anxiety, severe hair loss, chronic fatigue, digestion issues, and infertility. I went to the dermatologist and they said my hair loss was hereditary and there was nothing I could do. The digestion issues were diagnosed as IBS, and I took anti-depressants for my depression. I felt as if I was in a constant fog.
After being married four years, I found that I couldn’t get pregnant. I had non ovulatory cycles. I did a study that would’ve cost $20,000, and after testing for months, I got pregnant using the fertility drug chlomid. I used the same drug for baby number two. By this time, I felt like my body was on a constant decline and I was searching for help. I tried several homeopathic/natural doctors and never had the result I was searching for.
One year ago to the week, I came to Dr. Scott. In one year he has worked miracles with me! My symptoms are gone, and I am extremely proud to say that I am pregnant without the use of any drugs!! I really wanted to say that my body was capable of doing this, and I have! I completely trust in the knowledge and methods of the NHIC. Thank you, thank you Dr. Scott!
I struggled for over 20 years with manic depression, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, eating disorders, low blood sugar and many other ailments. Although I had some success by modifying my lifestyle in a healthier way, I could not reach optimal health. When I began working with my LiveIt! Healthcare Specialist I immediately had positive results! My mood and outlook instantly improved, migraines disappeared and many issues I thought I had resolved in therapy were cleared out, bringing more peace and optimism into my life. I am also now experiencing weight loss, more energy, stronger adrenals, and greater self-esteem. My career is now my life’s passion and my relationships are turning around for the better.
Itan M.
Nature provided each of us with our own detoxification system made up of the liver, lungs, bowels and urinary tract. But while it is a very efficient system, it does not have a limitless capacity. It can be overwhelmed if our lifestyle includes too heavy an exposure to chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, bad fats, and inadequate nutrition due to depleted foods and poor food choices. Following the LiveIt! Lifestyle of organic whole foods, purified water, whole foods and regular exercise can support your body’s natural ability to detoxify. Ask your LiveIt! Lifestyle Health Care Provider for advice on what would enhance your health!
Due to a kidney disorder, my kidneys do not filter correctly, so they were always working too hard. My doctor discovered blood, protein, and white blood cells in my urine and was very concerned; this has been going on for over 30 years. I was in the hospital three times in 2008 alone due to all of my issues. I was constantly dealing with urinary tract infections and was on antibiotics pretty much constantly. However, since the Purification Program, I no longer have blood, protein, or white bloods cells in my urine. What’s more, I have not had to take any antibiotics since being on the cleanse! To me, the cleanse is not a “diet.” Rather, it is a new way of life.
The first week was hard, and I had 3 days of bad headaches because of no caffeine, but now I feel GREAT! People around me keep asking me what I’m doing because my skin and hair look so great, and I’ve lost 15 pounds
I lost 7 pounds the first week, and 10 pounds overall. I feel great and the detox has really helped me to make better food choices.
I can’t believe it….I’ve lost about 28 pounds and for the first time in years, I haven’t had any headaches or acid reflux. I used to have both of those things daily. I never thought I would be one to want to eat healthy food all the time, but doing the detox taught me how to make healthier food choices. Thanks to my Liveit Doctor for recommending the detox!
My IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is gone since doing the detox! It is so wonderful not to have digestive issues every time I eat.
My Cholesterol has been 271 for 14 years. When I gave birth to my son it went up to 212 and I was never able to lower it, instead I kept adding 20 points to my cholesterol each year. I started taking medication to lower my cholesterol and it gave me incredible leg pain, so I stopped taking them. I tried to lowering it by watching my diet and the lowest I could get it to was 250 with exercise. Going into the 21 Day Purification Program in only a week my cholesterol went down to 171! My blood pressure also went down from the 130’s and the high 80’s and today my blood pressure is 118/70! And I’ve lost 14 pounds.
J.C. - female
I recently just started the 21 day cleanse from Standard Process and I am already beginning to notice some very positive results. The first few days were rough for me but after that it begins to get better and I have already noticed a difference in my energy level and I am already losing weight in some places.