Diabetes is a condition of impaired blood sugar metabolism and elevated fasting blood sugar. In 2006, 26% of US adults over 20 years of age and 35% of those over 60 years had impaired fasting glucose. These are epidemic numbers! But it does not have to be your fate to have diabetes, as studies show that a program of wise food choices, exercise and weight loss can reduce the development of diabetes by as much as 71%. Ask your LiveIt! Lifestyle Health Care Provider what may help you prevent or reverse pre-diabetes!
I am a diabetic, I check my blood sugar in the mornings to help me decide how much insulin I need to take. Since beginning the whole food supplement my Live It! Health Care Provider recommended my blood sugar much healthier and I don’t need to take as much insulin!
C.G. - male, age 48
After three Biocranial corrections, I’m off all my insulin!
I started checking my blood sugar in the morning for the week prior to starting the Diaplex my LiveIt! Lifestyle Health Care Specialist recommended. Once I started taking Diaplex my blood sugar was much lower in the morning and I don’t need to take as much insulin!
When I first came to see my LiveIt! Health Care Specialist I was experiencing severe vertigo sometimes lasting for hours and accompanied by severe vomiting. I had just had a heart attack. I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I was also diagnosed with diabetes.
Everything is so much better now! I noticed a significant improvement in my vertigo within a couple of treatments and it has continued to improve over the course of my treatments. My heart is so much stronger and my blood pressure and cholesterol are now normal. Most exciting of all, I had my annual physical last Thursday and my medical doctor declared me “officially non-diabetic”!
Inga - female
Diarrhea is one of the most inconvenient and embarrassing health challenges, besides the fact that it takes a massive toll on your health. The capacity to digestion and assimilate wholesome foods is the foundation of your body’s ability to build a store of building blocks for healing and repair. But when the gut cannot handle food properly, purging instead of assimilating nutrients, there is little hope of regaining health. A qualified LiveIt! Lifestyle Health Care Provider can help you identify irritants, allergies, unhealthy organisms and nutritional deficiencies that challenge your digestive tract. Call today to get on the road to recovery!
I am seventeen, so eating pizza and other junk food was my life. But after years of stomach aches, diarrhea, lack of concentration and headaches, I knew I wanted (and needed) to feel better. My Live-It! Lifestyle doctor helped me to realize that the food choices I was making was probably the root of my problems and that I needed to make a lifestyle choice of eating correctly. The first week or so I had symptoms of withdrawal from the sugar and caffeine and really felt bad. Soon, however, I was surprised at how much better I began to feel. I was actually waking up in the mornings and feeling good. My symptoms were gone and mentally, I felt as if a fog had lifted. Much more alert and focused. Thank You for the help.
M.B. - female, age 17
Onset of symptom 8 -10 years previous. After being on the supplements for several weeks, my constant diarrhea that I suffered with for years was gone. Now I have regular bowel movements with normal consistency. Also the bloating and tenderness in my abdominal region is gone. I recommend to all my friends to be evaluated nutritionally.
L.Y - female, age 52
Enzymes are the key to digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients that Nature intends for our health and vitality.
Good digestion and assimilation of nutrients is painless, quiet. In fact, with proper digestion you should eat a meal and not even be aware that your food is digesting!
With poor digestion one feels distressed and aggravated, sometimes during and most often after the meal. Too many people are taking antacids, laxatives and medications to treat symptoms brought on by years of poor food choices and decreased enzyme production.
Bad digestion has a cumulative effect. Bad digestion leads to conditions of nutritional deficiency which lead to worse digestive function. It is a vicious cycle!
Symptoms of bad digestion are the body calling out for help.
The LiveIt! Lifestyle includes proper food choices eaten in a particular order to best enhance the function of one’s digestive enzymes. If a condition of indigestion continues after these lifestyle changes have been made that means you need digestive enzymes.
Your LiveIt! Lifestyle Health Care Provider will evaluate your particular bodies’ needs and recommend the digestive enzyme support specific to your body type and particular needs.
I was having severe digestive issues and I never thought I would feel better. After coming to a Live It Lifestyle doctor and following her recommendations I FEEL GREAT. I know with her help and whole food supplements I will continue to feel better. I am so grateful for everything. Thanks!!!
C.W. - male, age 38
At my doctor’s request I had been taking ZYPAN for two months. I was having severe distress due to bowel gas and bloating. Not only was it very painful but also very embarrassing. Within 48 hours of beginning the nutritional treatment the bowel distress was greatly lessened. I continue to take it to this day and it really helps.
S.J. - female, age 25
I brought my seven year old grandson to see the Live It! doctor near me after his teacher mentioned that he possibly had a learning disorder. I knew he had digestive problems but after three years of going to a Pediatric Gastrologist with no appreciable change I had kind of given up on helping that. The Live It! doctor changed his diet and added whole food supplements. WE have a new Adam!!. Not only is he able to concentrate for longer periods of time, but his entire disposition changed once he was no longer completely frustrated with the learning process. As an added blessing, Adam’s digestive problems completely disappeared after three months on the HealthBuilding program. We now have a happy litle boy. Thanks!
Grandma - female, age 67
I suffered disabling digestion problems and stomach pains. After an evaluation my doctor put me on a whole food supplement digestive enzyme and after only one day I have since been without digestive pains.
N.A. - male, age 29
I have a BIG success story!
I guess it starts about ten years ago. I had everything from depression/anxiety, severe hair loss, chronic fatigue, digestion issues, and infertility. I went to the dermatologist and they said my hair loss was hereditary and there was nothing I could do. The digestion issues were diagnosed as IBS, and I took anti-depressants for my depression. I felt as if I was in a constant fog.
After being married four years, I found that I couldn’t get pregnant. I had non ovulatory cycles. I did a study that would’ve cost $20,000, and after testing for months, I got pregnant using the fertility drug chlomid. I used the same drug for baby number two. By this time, I felt like my body was on a constant decline and I was searching for help. I tried several homeopathic/natural doctors and never had the result I was searching for.
One year ago to the week, I came to Dr. Scott. In one year he has worked miracles with me! My symptoms are gone, and I am extremely proud to say that I am pregnant without the use of any drugs!! I really wanted to say that my body was capable of doing this, and I have! I completely trust in the knowledge and methods of the NHIC. Thank you, thank you Dr. Scott!
Dr. _____, I don’t think Thank You is enough to say how grateful I am.
I had been experiencing:
For several years I had been taking sleep aid medication and antacids every night. After following Dr. ____’s recommendations, within three months, the acid reflux was gone and I was able to get a full night sleep without any medication!!
DL - female
I am writing this letter to let you know what a change you have made in my life. Before I started the purification program I had daily heartburn. The heartburn is gone completely and I feel great. I can not thank you enough for making me feel so wonderful. You have a great desire to heal people the natural way without drugs or chemicals. God bless you and everyone you help.
I had acute indigestion and I have been taking Xantac and it wasn’t helping. My friend referred me to Dr. ______, he told me I had a hitel hernia, my diaphragm was pushed up, and I was low in hydrochloric acid and enzymes. Dr. ______ pulled my diaphragm down to relieve the pressure, gave me Whole Food Supplements for my digestion and to heal my stomach, told me to eat slower and adjusted my spine. After about two months I felt like a normal person. I’m glad I stuck it out and didn’t quit after a few visits. I feel normal and no pain.
Since seeing my LiveIt! Health Care Professional, I have noticed a positive change in my stomach problems, including less gas, I feel better, and I am no longer on my Acid Reflux medications.
Spinal discs are specialized ligaments that cushion and stabilize the spinal joints. But while they are designed to be strong and shock absorbing, they are also vulnerable to impaired circulation, poor posture and body mechanics. Smoking has been shown to contribute to spinal disc degeneration by constricting the circulation and restricting the delivery of nutrients to the discs. Oftentimes the common problems of poor food choices, poor digestion and resulting inadequate nutrients for repair and rebuilding contribute to disc problems. Your LiveIt! Health Care Provider will advise you on how nutritional therapy can enhance your spinal therapy program.
I was disabled for nine years, due to multiple disc herniations in my lower back, and two failed back surgeries. After being taken care of by Dr. ______, I was off all my pain medications, able to run three days a week, and go back to work!
I wanted to take a moment to let you know how grateful I am that our family found you. I was barely able to walk because of disc problems in my back when I first saw you last year.
I believe in miracles, but haven’t experienced very many; but I truly believe I witnessed a miracle in your office. At the first visit, you were able to dramatically relieve the back pain I suffered. Since then, I have enjoyed a greater quality of life and have stayed off the surgeon’s knife, hopefully for good.
I started a 21 day detoxification program in January my Live It! doctor recommended and I love what it did for my skin. After just one week my skin started clearing up really well, I got many compliments. My skin cleared up and I lost 7 pounds in 21 days!
J.A. - female, age 23