My daughter suffered an ear infection and took medication for 60 days with no change. The MDs wanted to put tubes in her ear and increase the dosage of the drugs which were not working. I was so frustrated! I sought out a doctor who uses natural remedies and since we started his recommended program my daughter has not had ONE ear infection.
H.M. - female, age 7
Persistent fatigue is a common complaint, and unfortunately people frequently complain of being unable to find help for the condition, whether from their doctors, their friends or their own efforts.
Fatigue can result from many things such as environmental toxins and nutritional deficiencies that interfere with the production of energy, posture and stress responses that interfere with the transport and utilization of oxygen or release of toxins, unhealthful food choices, allergies, and nutritional deficiencies.
Because fatigue is such a non-specific symptom and can result from many causes it is necessary to approach the evaluation in a systematic manner. Your LiveIt! Lifestyle Health Care Provider has the knowledge, skills and training to offer you just that type of systematic evaluation.
Make an appointment today to get started rebuilding your health!
About five years ago I began to be always weak, tired, jumpy, light-headed, dizzy and nauseous. Most days it was an effort to get out of bed. Everything I did was an effort. Many visits to doctors did nothing to improve my situations. I was told, “your symptoms tell me nothing.” I had many blood tests, urinalysis, X-rays and even stress tests and a cardiac catheterization. I was started on medications and as a result I felt certain that I was dying. I resigned myself to the fact that I would feel this way for the rest of my days. My LiveIt! Health Care Practitioner put me on the sugar challenge and a nutritional protocol and my life has changed dramatically.
A.D. - male, age 33
About 18 months ago I noticed that no matter how much sleep I got I felt tired most of the time. My energy level was extremely low, and I had dark circles under my eyes. I also noticed that my mood would change very easily— I would get emotional or irritable over small things. Even though I was aware of feeling like that I couldn’t seem to do anything about it. My doctor recommended that I start taking Drenamin. After taking the Drenamin I had more energy, my mood was more even, and the dark circles under my eyes went away. The change was so noticeable that even my friends could tell the difference.
Y.R. - female, age 26
For over five years I had been fighting chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I had tried drugs and anti-depressants, I was depressed because of the pain and fatigue. My Live It Doctor evaluation revealed things that were not discovered by anyone else. Within a few weeks I started to feel improvement. I have continued to regain my energy and my pain has improved also. This natural health care is the GREAT!
A.H. - male, age 38
For over five years I had been fighting chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I had tried drugs and anti-depressants, but I didn’t hurt because I was depressed, I was depressed because of the pain and fatigue. My evaluation by Dr. _____ revealed things that were not addressed by anyone else. Within a few weeks I started to feel improvement. I have continued to regain my energy and my pain has improved also. This natural health care is the bomb.
I noticed better energy immediately after taking the whole food supplements, no peaks and valleys in my energy level. I don’t feel deprived when I eat as compared to other vitamins. My whole body feels better. I feel nutritionally satisfied. I have felt fantastic this whole week.
I struggled for over 20 years with manic depression, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, eating disorders, low blood sugar and many other ailments. Although I had some success by modifying my lifestyle in a healthier way, I could not reach optimal health. When I began working with my LiveIt! Healthcare Specialist I immediately had positive results! My mood and outlook instantly improved, migraines disappeared and many issues I thought I had resolved in therapy were cleared out, bringing more peace and optimism into my life. I am also now experiencing weight loss, more energy, stronger adrenals, and greater self-esteem. My career is now my life’s passion and my relationships are turning around for the better.
Itan M.
Prior to seeing my LiveIt! Health Care Professional, I had chronic fatigue. Now I have more energy. I have lost 20 pounds, and I do not have to take as many pain medications.
The synthetic hormones I was taking did not make me feel very good and were making me feel very tired. My MD took me off them. I went to a Live It! doctor who recommended a whole food supplement to support hormone health and since I have been taking it I’ve been feeling really good and have not had any of the perimenopausal symptoms I had before!
D.M. - female, age 57
My husband always knew when I was going to start my period before I did. This went on for years. I did not believe him that I was different around my period because I could not really tell that I was not right. I had cramps and sometimes flooding once my period did start. All of these symptoms are gone since I have begun the supplement program the doctor recommended. My periods are regular with no cramping or flooding. I do not get cranky or hard on those around me just before my period anymore. In fact, my husband and I can not even tell when my period is going to begin unless we look at the calendar. Thanks.
D.D. - female, age 33
For almost ten years when my period started I was so bad I could not leave the house for sometimes two days. Heavy bleeding, severe cramps and even fainting spells were commonplace. After five gynecologists had no answer, my holistic doctor put me on a program of nutritional supplements. My next cycle passed with NO SYMPTOMS.
B.W. - female, age 30
For three weeks out of every month I felt premenstrual or menstrual. My breasts got so swollen and painful that I used to tell my husband not even to look at me from across the room because they hurt so much. Two medical doctors examined me with no satisfactory results. My new doctor views me as a whole person and took the time to understand my problem. Once he considered it, he suggested I take one whole food supplement and it took the problem right away.
A.H. - female, age 32
I felt so drained all the time and I was only 26 years old. It was pretty depressing to feel that way all the time. Before my period I would be tired, have breast tenderness, ovary pains, hot flashes, cold sweats, and heart palpitations. It was terrible! I had only one week out of the month that I felt okay.
On top of that I had allergy problems. I kept getting sinus infections and sinus headaches because nothing every drained out of my sinuses. It didn’t matter what medicines I took either.Now, I feel 100% better! I can’t believe that Nutritional Therapy could help everything that was wrong with me. You don’t know how much this means to me. Thanks Again.
T.F. - female, age 26
I want to thank you for your help and support over the last four months. (I had) been suffering with irritability, allergies, joint aches and pains, athletes foot, itchiness, lack of libido and was 60 pounds overweight. (Since following the Nutritional Therapy recommendations) I have lost almost 40 lbs seemingly “effortlessly,: the irritability and teh allergy attacks practically absent. The joint pains have gotten so much better, my sugar cravings are being handled, my energy and stamina has increased. And after haveing a low to no sex drive for the past 13 years, which has put some strain on the marriage at times — after just three months following the program I’ve got HORMONES again! My husband and I both are thankful for that! With sincere appreciation and gratitude.
D.S. - female, age 45
I went to the best hormonal doctor in town and he evaluated me and put me on what I guess are the usual drugs. They made me feel worse but I stuck with them as long as I could.
I then heard about a doctor (LiveIt! Provider) who works with nutritional supplements to help the body balance out the hormones. After two months on the program my hot flashes are mostly gone and I am feeling a lot better with no medication!
LD - female, age 56
The hormones I was taking didn’t make me feel very good and were making me feel very tired. My medical doctor agreed I should stop taking them. That was about the same time my LiveIt! Lifestyle Health Care Specialist recommended the Symplex F supplement and since I’ve been taking it I’ve been feeling really good and haven’t had any of the perimenopausal symptoms I had before!
D.M. - female
Since seeing my LiveIt! Health Care Professional, my hot flashes have been taken care of; I have lost weight, which I did not even come for. The very painful Bursitis in my shoulder has also been taken care of. Most of the pain I have suffered in the past has been resolved through the Thyroid supplements.
G.C. - female
For over five years I had been fighting chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I had tried drugs and anti-depressants, but I didn’t hurt because I was depressed, I was depressed because of the pain and fatigue. My evaluation by Dr. _____ revealed things that were not addressed by anyone else. Within a few weeks I started to feel improvement. I have continued to regain my energy and my pain has improved also. This natural health care is the bomb.
I came to my Liveit! Doctor because I was suffering from fibromyalgia—for as long as I can remember I’ve had the aching pains, the sleeplessness, the brain fog, the IBS and a million more (it seems) little symptoms. I’d also been trying to lose weight. After seeing Dr. ____ just once I felt better. At first it was just because he listened to me and let me know that I wasn’t crazy, not just “sensitive to pain” as I’d been told countless times. He prescribed some supplements and a diet plan. I began to lose weight, my pain almost disappeared. I slept through the night. I felt on top of the world. Since then I’ve had ups and downs—but mostly ups. I feel better than I ever have in my life.
I have suffered for years with irritable bowel syndrome. I had severe gas, bloating, cramping, stomach pain and weight gain. I felt tired all the time.
Within one week, on a nutritional program, I felt so much better. My stomach pain was gone and I immediately had more energy. Now months later, I feel great.
My IBS is manageable. I sleep better at night and feel like my body is finally in balance. I even lost 10 pounds in the first month.