I have suffered from fatigue, vertigo, severe stomach pains, acne, IBS, chronic insomnia, and very painful sinus headaches for years. Much to my surprise, a few weeks of Dr. _____ sessions and I have more energy than I though possible. The body aches I had have been reduced by about 80% and my other problems are almost gone.
When I first came to see my LiveIt! Specialist, I had low level testosterone and had been dependant on synthetic testosterone for 10 – 12 years. I had not been sleeping well for 20 years. It took me a minimum of an hour to fall asleep and then I would wake every 30 minutes tossing and turning. My thumbs ached so much that I couldn’t even tie my boots. I compete in triathlons and due to problems with my left knee I hadn’t been able to run in 5 or 6 years. My sinuses had been plugged up for 20 years. I was also experiencing a tremendous amount of fatigue. Now, everything is so much better. My energy level is so much higher; I feel a sense of calmness and am no longer experiencing the mood swings I experienced before. I’m feeling good again – like I used to feel 20 years ago.
Dennis - male
My traditional doctor sent me home saying that there was nothing wrong with me as I continued to feel sick and pass out. This had been happening for 4-5 years. I had had many lab tests and blood work and visited lots of different doctors’ offices. Dr. _____ looked at every aspect of my health and lifestyle and that’s what made the difference. My old doctor never questioned my diet, which was very important in my case. Now since I’ve been on the Nutritional Therapy Program I’m 100% better.
E.M. - (Lancaster, PA)
For the last several years I have suffered with insomnia and the inability to sleep for more than a few hours at a time. I am also suffering from hypothyroidism and reactive hypoglycemia. I began seeing Dr. ________ for some middle back pain and in the course of my treatment, Dr. _______ suggested that I try some food supplements that might increase my ability to sleep and perhaps help with some other health issues. Although I was skeptical at first, (aren’t we all?), I was also willing to do just about anything to sleep all night. I thought that a month trial would be worth anything if I could sleep again. I saw some immediate results with my ability to fall asleep. And now, in just over a month, I am sleeping all night and actually awaking refreshed and energized! I am looking forward to each day and not planning how long I need to stay awake before I am able to take a nap! I will continue to take these food supplements as I am now seeing some changes in my other health issues and have great hope to be a whole healthy person again.
I was exhibiting hyperthyroid symptoms: shortness of breath, sweating, fast heartbeat, insomnia. My endocrinologist said I could try a wait-and-see approach, or a pill, or taking radioactive iodine to kill off my thyroid and then taking a pill for the rest of my life. Thanks to the supplements Dr. _____ gave me with the help of meditation, chiropractic adjustments, exercise, and a proper diet, my thyroid hormone levels normalized and my symptoms went away. I will not have to follow any of the scary treatments that were ordered by my endocrinologist.
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Since choosing the Live It Lifestyle my energy level is up and the added benefits are the pounds are beginning to melt off me!
M.C. - male, age 29
I started a 21 day detoxification program in January my Live It! doctor recommended and I love what it did for my skin. After just one week my skin started clearing up really well, I got many compliments. My skin cleared up and I lost 7 pounds in 21 days!
J.A. - female, age 20
Thank You is not enough to say how grateful I am. My headaches ceased and I began to lose weight. A very pleasant and unexpected surprise has been that the severe menstrual cramps that I had experienced for over 20 years have been greatly reduced. My skin looks better than it did when I was in my teens and my energy level has increased. I haven’t felt this good in 15 years! I can now focus on enjoying my life instead of just tolerating how bad I previously felt. I am very pleased.
DL - female
My Cholesterol has been 271 for 14 years. When I gave birth to my son it went up to 212 and I was never able to lower it, instead I kept adding 20 points to my cholesterol each year. I started taking medication to lower my cholesterol and it gave me incredible leg pain, so I stopped taking them. I tried to lowering it by watching my diet and the lowest I could get it to was 250 with exercise. Going into the 21 Day Purification Program in only a week my cholesterol went down to 171! My blood pressure also went down from the 130’s and the high 80’s and today my blood pressure is 118/70! And I’ve lost 14 pounds.
J.C. - female